426 N 2 426 N 2 Arkansas City Kansas 67005
This property is in a great location but is indeed in need of repair to bring it back to life. The Seller has priced it to sell in present and existing condition without any warranties expressed or implied by Seller or Listing Agent. Seller will do no repairs or treatments to this property. The property sits on a corner lot and is within walking distance of a college, grade school, grocery store and downtown area. Give the listing agent a call today !
Listing Details
Price: | $24,900 |
Address: | 426 N 2 |
City: | Arkansas City |
State: | Kansas |
Zip Code: | 67005 |
Subdivision: | ARKANSAS CITY |
MLS: | 624124 |
Year Built: | 1910 |
Square Feet: | 1,419 |
appliances: | Over/Range, Refrigerator |
approximateAge: | 81+ Years |
area: | SCKMLS |
basement: | None |
basementFinishPer: | None |
basementUse: | None |
cooling: | Window Unit |
elementarySchool: | Frances Willard |
exteriorConstruction: | Concrete-Poured, Frame, Stucco |
floodInsurance: | Unknown |
floors: | Carpet, Other/See Remarks |
generalTaxYear: | 2022 |
generalTaxes: | 281.72 |
grossIncome: | 3600 |
heating: | Individual Unit |
highSchool: | Arkansas City |
hoaYN: | no |
legal: | Arkansas City, Block 129, LTS 27-28 EXC E40 LT 28 EXC E 40 N1/2 LT. 27, Arkansas City, Kansas 67005 |
lotSizeSqft: | 5100 |
middleSchool: | Arkansas City |
numOfStories: | Two |
numberOfUnits: | 2 |
ownerFinanceYN: | No |
ownerPaidUtilities: | None |
ownership: | Individual |
parcelId: | 18307-25-0-10-30-004.00-0 |
parking: | Street Parking |
priceTfla: | 17.55 |
roof: | Composition |
saleRent: | For Sale |
schoolDistrict: | Arkansas City School District (USD 470) |
style: | Other |
tenantPaidUtilities: | Electric, Gas, Trash, Water/Sewer |
termsOfTenancy: | Month to Month |
tflaSource: | Court House |
utilities: | Natural Gas, Public, Sewer |
vacancyRatePercent: | 50 |
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